Thursday 26 April 2007

Devious Dev's Develish Destructive Dream

So Im at a party and were all having a laugh, infact it was so fun the whole town joined in, apart from the mayor, he was a square and lived in HMV, but then some odd boy who I think Is real and goes to my college came along with 3 bags of H&M clothes, It was really cool, Then we all dressed up in the same clothes (each goodie bag was the same) and we had fun.

Then we had enough and ended up in some open space in a city, seemed abit star-wars-esque, and then my friend said

"oh I really like that little rap, who did it"

"it was him" some one said,
pointing to Dev from the testicicles who was just hanging out under a lampost, he was in a rather classy beret, and he said

"nope wasnt me"

after this we started hearing red hot chilli peppers, for some reason we decided to take out the red hot chilli peppers and the already dead Kurt Cobain in one fell swoop, we went to a hotel and planted a bomb in the lobby, I think it was one of those non-lethal gunge ones, so we all ran upstairs, looked at our watches,


"oh no what has happened" I said in a monotone voice of mock shock

the we quickly exited the hotel, past the lobby which was a green and red mess, I could just make out a very messy red hot chilli pepper and we fled

We escaped mario cart DS style, and ended up in a sweet shop, I had a cup, and it wasnt like woolworths, or any other kind of shop, they judged volume

it went from 'teeny-weeny' to 'full cup', I didnt really want a full cup so I asked how far up the cup was 'quite little" she had a massive go at me, I had a go at her back, We grabbed some sweets and ran

remember, we blew up the red hot chilli peppers, we were hard! no fear you bastard! hahaha

then we ended up in a garden/country park, with suspicious KGB agents in trench coats so we avoided them and came to a reconstructed roman city, because it was a dream I couldnt tell if I was high up and it was big, or low down and it was small, I asked but the tour guide was ignorant, either way the brick work was exquisite!

then I got bored and wandered into a restraunt and there were Dr Who style aliens about, and I saw a secret agent from a previous dream and reported my finding to him from another dream In which forgot to tell him, he didnt believe me so I walked out into the town again, and there was another restraunt and my friends were outside, we walked up to the manager by the door, flashed out a medal and he gave a look of annoyance because it allowed us to eat free, oddly this restraunt was also a jewelry shop, so after a mega rectangluar pizza that went from one side of the table to another we ordered ice cream studed with large precious jewels and watches, which we took being free,

we left the restraunt, vowing to return, and noticed some angry people in red hot chilli pepper t-shirts, we fled into a high street and saw sega arcade machines onsale for £27.99 because the arcade was closing, then we noticed original restraunt, and the 1st restraunt and ran towards it, but the aliens were going mental so we fled in opposite directions.

I ended up in the park and through some bushes was a house and my family were at the table, my brother got the cheese wire dirty,

"now how shall we make the cheese cake!" they exclaimed, clearly never heard of washing up

then I said
"I will go clean it"

so I did, In a 100% wooden kitchen, and some one was in there making the cake, I said "what do I do next"

she said
"dont worry they will do it"

apparently she had aquired two russian servants, dressed in blue (a reference to Medieval Total War 2?)

and then I went outside and ate cheese cake with madonna, sir richard branson and various other people, (that I hadnt already blown up)