Friday 27 April 2007

Whale Rocketing and Skyscraper Searching

The fate of thr world rested upon me,
I was in some sort of secret government warehouse filled with
amateur rockets that is
the evil superpower was laughing at the feeble technology with
which I was working,
I pumped the the bicycle pump twice, and if feedbly launched the

rocket into the pool,
we tried again, the same result,
now every one was laughing, it was our last chance
to I turned the pump upside down, and pushed it
It launched off straight into the centre of the target,
which for some reason, I blame Japan, was a Whale?
We had won, thanks to me, so the bosses gave me a Holiday!

So there I was Enjoying the benefits of global warming at the beach
I was going to go swimming but apparently speedo's "are soo hot
right now" so I thought best not to risk it,

So I head up onto the cliffs to have a nap, and who should barge
over the hill, Grace, Phoebe and Anna, saying they demand we go
swimming, I tell them about the speedos and they agree, so we walk
past and Island from a previous dream and head back to our sky

This being the future all the sky scrapers are the same and ours
has a whole shopping center but its in the way of our access of
getting to the street, so I go out and buy some sausages in the
street then head up to the roof in the lift, Who shouldd I meet up
there but Helen, she asked where I got the Sausages and I told her
and she rushed off to buy them,

Our Skyscraper also featured an american university and they loved
nothing more than ramming each other in the car park on the roof,
seeing as the roof could only fit like 7 cars this wanst good as he
nearly had a car off the edge, I decided that this wasnt good, So I

Then I went exploring for a while round all the different floors
with a bag of wothers originals and ended up in a seedy bar in
copnor somehow, Then a teacher said we were going on a trip to
heaven and then only way to get there was a holy bus, so off I went
to speak to the correct authorities, this time I had to use the
blue lift, not the usual red one, I went up to a room and got the
golden bus, it was a medalion the size of a bus.

Then I ran to copnor again for no reason, then I saw robert in the
road, I thought I must hurry and get past him, I turned on my MP3
and and dashed by him, but one ear fell out

"oh Aaron, I have that comic you wanted"
I turned round and said
"oh sorry I have to go deliver the holy bus"

Before you know it Im at my skyscraper and find that we too have

installed a blue lift, so I try to call it hoping to deliver the golden bus for you trip to heaven (sounds like they were going to finish us all off, but im sure there was a button on the lift)
just as I thought I would finaly be free to have a break and finish all my tasks the damn lift wouldnt to work!!!!!