Sunday 7 October 2007

the eight families of tv

it begun somewhere with a flash back, nelson muntz of simpsons fame reminisced about a swirling wind, he was trying to remember the date it all happened, he saw a newspaper and as it slowed and time became clearer and more meaningfull he saw the date of march the 23rd

suddenly a bump awoke me on a train, we were heading to the science center on the top of the hill in order to get in you had to select the child locks you wished, people were trying to pressure us into clicking the childrens settings, but we noticed that every time a person selected on the touch screen (there were 3 to touch in order of child locks) a flash would go off, so I slyly took out my phone, pretended to press the child button and set of a flash, then brushed past the unrestricted child lock setting it off instead, we entered into the science center doors we were eager to learn about japans plans to help the people of the Seychelles, we emerged in a on a large island but still on the science center, we were up on a walk way and as we looked down the saw a wooden jetty, and in the back ground large metal cities being contructed of stilts for the people of the Seychelles

the wooden walk ways were possibly the last of the islands, but on the edge of a walk way we saw a man rocking in a chair with bright curly blonde hair, he was apparently the croccodile master and had killed all the crocodiles as they were too dangerous, but then I saw what a person could only see from above, crocodiles in the water, I went down and questioned him, he showed me a black and white photo of a man, who was dark with dark hair and looked nothing like the man in the chair

"thats me" he said
"no it isnt" I replied
"it was a long time ago that I rid the islands of the crocodiles" he said defencivly
"then why are there crocodiles circling is now as we speak?" I questioned

at this he became angry and people with news cameras began to arrive, I had ruined this man and he was not happy, he really was a crocodile master because he controled them and sent them into hiding, then he released some sort of spell against me but missed and hit some one else, it was like a zombie curse but less aggressive,

I jumped back onto the platform and ran in through a door, two people were effected on the inside walk way, avoiding them I jumped down into a room full of teenagers
three of them were infected too,

"I dont think it will last" I told them
"what shall we do with them?" one replied
"wrap them up in that basket and we will lock them up in the prison till they stop"

so just as we wrapped them up the door opened and the boys father looking stern said
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" to his son who replied
"going to do a music gig, just packing our stuff"
"ok then" the dad said

so we left through the door, a few days later all was well again, some people didnt believe us about the crocodiles but others did and wanted to reward us

we went to the designated beach, it was packed with people, and right on the waters edge was a wrestling ring that was half in the see and half out but level, that was where we were to collect our prize, at 1st I thought I saw a crocodile but it turned out to be the mohican of one of the people with me and he stood up and emerged from the water

but our troubles were not over the evil crocodile man had released another nasty creature, some form of sea beast, it was 30cm across but because you thought that was just a shark fin it was terrifying, we ran back to the beach as the tide had come in a few metres

as I got out the ring I saw it come for me, but I scared it back till I finaly got on shore, It came at me in the shallows so I went out to it, grabbed it and chucked it on the shore,

at 1st it resembled a shark, but then some how made more sense as a large angry prawn, prawn in look but shapped like a boomerang with deadly teeth in the middle and sides, I wrestled it off and slammed it down into the sand hoping it would suffocate, but I had a fealing it wouldnt, with that the 8 of us fled.

We fled into the forrested mountains till we saw a green structure on top of a low peak, it was a large and long house stretching across the peak, we entered up the road and saw abandoned barns and a crane to our left and on our right a Conservatory, we entered with mess of plants and pots and found our way into the main house, no one was here, and didnt look like any one had been in a while, we knew that far from the sea we would be safe from the crocodile mans evil grasp, but all was not peaceful,
more supposed refugess joined us and so many of the 8 of us began relationships with them, these were the good ones, but some didnt seem right at all,

one group took a room and all we ever heard in there was the sound of chainsaws and robots, possibly they were making robots for robots wars, but is that really right anyway?

in another room, a long room down the side of the house by the kitchen, but its not very wide, there was a woman with here daughter, all along the wall of the room were wardrobes and since this room was more of a long hallway than a room there was only just enought room to squeeze past, but that didnt include when the mother was in there, she was obese so you couldnt get past her, and you wouldnt want to, all she did was scream and open the wardrobes looking for her daughter, she had big plans for her, she was to be a star! but the daughter didnt like this idea much

one day as the tension grew too much I was called outside to the balcony where I noticed to my dismey that in the valley were large lord of the rings oliphants, the crocodile man must of sent an army in land, we all grabbed weapons and tried to kill the riders before they could get the elephants alongside and attack us, we suceeded in this and began lauging and jibing them with songs we made up,

we knew the crocodile king would only send more against us so they 8 of us and there families decided to flee secretly leaving the others behind, but some tried to follow

we in our exited state jumped from the balcony, high high high up in the air, like an exaduarated pogostick and landed on the oliphants, we then did it once more to the other side of the valley onto a mountain where we entered a cave with a water fall, we knew there were people on the crocodile controlers side umongst us so we knew we had to loose them on the way,

we also noticed the prawn beast had survived and was in the waters of the pool under the water fall clearly heading for our house, but then it noticed us and especialy me as It still was out to get me, and I was in the pool of the water fall trying to get across and throught the water to the passage behing the water

so I lept high above the water and threw in a strange square of jelly, the water of the pool froze instantly killing the shrimp beast and then it followed the water up to the waterfall and froze the water curtain freezing all the traitors behind it,

"this is all very good..." some one said "...but how do we get through there now?" some on else pulled out the strange square jelly and threw it in the air towards the iced over waterfall, where it dicintergrated before it reached it

"whats that supposed to do then?" he questioned again

then the air became warm and stuffy like in a green house and this melted the thin layer of ice which caused a draft sucking the air down the tunnel before it could melt the still iced pool of water, we rushed across the frozen pool into the tunnel under the waterfall just as the water came finaly crashing down over the water fall again, leaving yet more un wanted tag alongs trapped behind as it made the iced over pool of water imposible to cross and flushed them out the cave

we tried to lose more followers in the tunnels but it wasnt working as well as we hoped, but luckily we found a tunnel back into our house, and we avoiding the robots ran through the robot wars room around the house and hid in the wardrobes, where we found the girl hiding again, then just as her mum walked up towards the door of the wardrobe we were in we kicked it open and it smacked her in the face knocking her out cold,

we repeated this process several times finaly after a month of being in the tunnels we returned through the valley and up the mountain the way we 1st came, the 8 and there families that were left, (who were by now all secret underground tv celebs and quite worn out) walked up the dirt path and saw in the green crane charlotte,

"theyve all gone" she said
"phew" I said
"you can stay here too if you want" I offered
"I already am" she replied

we went into the green house where another boy was
"its our science project" she said
but it looked like they were just cultivating and smoking cannabis to me

we then got in to find some of the lost people of the 8 families in the kitchen,
one of them was tossing pizza like a salad, another was tossing garlic bread

and we all sat down and ate

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